I was surprised at some of Eric's comments about reading books and using textbooks. He definitely had ideas and what sounded to be like experiences of what the future of classrooms would be, but he really hit hard on the importance of learning and reading out of textbooks. I guess he didn't specifically say that the books had to be hard-bound and couldn't be online books. However, it seemed as if he still clung to his generation's ideals in some regards, but really embraced what was coming ahead.
There were so many topics covered in the 55 minute video; I was amazed. I think Eric has it right about the privacy issue. The younger generation is more open to sharing. They might regret some specific cases, but on the whole they have benefitted. I loved his vision of the History buff who would walk down the streets of New York in five years and instantly get information about each building without even asking. It might sound creepy, but it would be great if something could know your habits so well that it would present new and better ideas, facts, and even products without a command. Hopefully people won't start marrying their phone or something because it "gets them," but overall the general concept is a useful and interesting one.
There was only one technical difficulty with this video and it was the sound during a few parts. I think it might just be the recording because it was not recorded in the studio and Charlie Rose's mic might have been malfunctioning a little bit. I also don't like how I cannot make the video full screen on my Mac. I am not sure why, but I haven't figured it out on most of the Charlie Rose videos. Either way, it was an excellent video as always.
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