Monday, May 17, 2010

Week 5 - Advertisers and Smartphones Article

I guess I am realizing that I am not as worried about privacy as others out there when reading these articles. The first few paragraphs sounded great to me. I think it is cool that advertisers are using all these data and marketing specifically to me. It reminds me of Amazon's recommendations. I have tried many of the recommendations Amazon gives me because others have purchased similar items and then I get to find something new. SWEET! If a smartphone can show me the local eateries based on my past purchases, page views, games, etc. and I get to try something new and different that I might love, why wouldn't I enjoy that?! Doesn't this make our lives easier and more productive?

I see the other side of it too. Humans and greed are a bad combination that always seem to surface. If someone really wants to push something even though it truly isn't in my best interests, then I am not as efficient or productive; and I feel cheated. If people use my information against me that harms me financially, emotionally, or even physically, then no one would want to sign up for it. The mobile web is very powerful, and "with great power comes great responsibility." (Spiderman, ha) But I think we will all get used to this. Sure there will be legislation surrounding smartphones and privacy, but I think the majority will find this type of advertising useful and helpful. In five years, everyone will have a smartphone (or pretty much everyone) and the mobile web with these smart Advertising "Numerati" will be able to make life better for us all ... or really get on everyone's nerves with constant advertising. :)

1 comment:

  1. You and I couldn't be more in synch, based on your post for the week. I feel exactly the same way and if the harm or damage starts to exceed the benefits of the customized, personalized marketing effort I'll change my patterns. But, for now, I agree wholeheartedly with your sentiments. I benefit, even take for granted, the marketing efforts tailored to me any my tastes. And, I worry very little about divulging my patterns and preferences. I tend to think they're not that interesting to others and should they ever provide the basis for exploitation I'll reconsider.

    And, I also concur that the penetration of smartphones will approach saturation some time in the near future. That's why marketing will continue to experience fundamental change. It's an exciting time with an even more exciting future awaiting us.
