I look forward to this week's material. It looks like it is all about the data we have on the web and how people / companies are using it to market better to customers. Having graduated with an Industrial Engineering degree, and also being a former Six Sigma Black Belt data analysis is something I am very familiar with and I find interesting. It looks like we have a shorter schedule this week. I assume this is so we can work on our group project more to complete it by the end of the week. My plan is to get the majority, if not all, of the material read/viewed in the early part of the week in order to work more on the group assignment. I plan on reading and viewing the following:
-Read the introduction to The Numerati (required)
-View a "Brief History of the Internet" video (required)
-Read Ch. 4 from Web Analytics: An Hour a Day
-Read the article "Advertisers Get a Trove of Clues in Smartphone," The New York Times, March 11, 2009
-View Kimberly Clark and Virtual Reality Simulations video
Reflections on The Numerati reading
This book starts out like a thriller movie or someone's bad identity theft story. It really gets people thinking about how powerful the data out there is and what people could do with it. I sit back and think that these things are already happening and life seems pretty good so far, so why try to fight it. Sure there are the "bad guys" out there who steal identities and try to exploit others. There are also the companies who are using your information to get you more relevant information, products, and services. Maybe that is an invasion of privacy, but maybe it is a really good thing. Instead of wasting time looking for something you want, or browsing through stores (online or in person), marketing will be even more data driven and get exactly what you were thinking of just because of your past history and actions. It sounds weird, but I think we will slowly move to that without even realizing it. I think it sounds pretty good in fact. If my past data can predict better what I want now, let it. Give me exactly what I was thinking or give me access to that new product or service that will help me out or give me the best satisfaction.
The reading did bring up some dark images that reminded me of the movie Minority Report, but we are a way off from that I think. Predicting murders before they happen is a little too Sci-Fi at this point. Noticing trends that will lead to criminal activity, now that might be helpful and make everyone more safe because those people have actually done something or are preparing to break the law. Maybe it is crazy, but in the end if Marketing becomes easier, customers will be satisfied easier too. If my needs and wants are satisfied easier from products and services, then I have more time to do what I love to do, and that sounds pretty nice.
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