My learning goals for the week are to try and read/view the following:
-LinkedIn Video CEO video
-The newspaper industry podcasts
-The most valuable brands report
-What is new media?
If I can get to more, I will, but these topics looked the most interesting, plus I do a lot better viewing something than reading it. I am interested in what Reid Hoffman thinks about LinkedIn and how it really sets itself apart from the rest of the social networking available besides the obvious "work/company" niche. Anything about Am
azon I am interested in because I absolutely love the website and use it to purchase many items all the time. After reading chapter 1 of The Age of Engage I am curious what the CEO has to say about the tagging and branding Amazon has and what will it do in the future to remain relevant and cutting edge. I am fascinated in what the heck the newspaper industry will look like in 5-10 years, so hopefully there are some insights with the lectures. The other articles just seemed interesting and I would like to try and read them and blog about them.

Chapter 1 of The Age of Engage review:
Published in the first quarter of 2008, I could not believe how behind the times this first chapter seemed. It took awhile for me to find something that I hadn't really heard about or didn't know much about. I chuckled when I read the section about how user content from websites like MySpace and youtube are shaping the individual Marketing efforts of companies. Youtube is still alive and kicking in my mind, but in my opinion, MySpace has fallen quite a bit and many people are using Facebook and other social networking sites, like LinkedIn and Twitter.
One new term that was new to me was Ajax. From reading the description, it appears we encounter this type of web content every day, but I just didn't know or understand the technical term at first. The funny thing about the Ajax section was that I had not even thought about never seeing the counters at the bottom of websites now days. I didn't realize websites stopped tracking the page hits information because of all this embedded content which does not report accurate website use.
I liked reading about the "new" technologies and how we are using them to market better to customers, and not just groups of customers, but specific individuals. I found the six Vs very interesting and how the author claimed the Live Web rendered the Four Ps obsolete. Very thought provoking and an interesting concept. I still think you can apply the Four Ps to the Live Web because we aren't in "The Matrix" yet and we all still interact with the world around us as living breathing humans. But I do agree that the Live Web is morphing into our lives and routines, so Marketers need to adapt to this highly dynamic environment.
I will watch some of the other videos and read some of the other articles and post something by the end of this week.
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